I have realized something in the last 24 hours. I am MEAN without cigarettes. Worst case PMS mean. Actually, "in labor" mean... and that's pretty bad. (Actually, wasn't too bad in labor, but I had a C-section. I'm not pushing anything out of my coochie, let alone 2 full-term babies!) Ask N, I'm CRANKY today!!! He's cranky too, from not only the lack of nicotine, but a bit of a crash diet he is going on for the Army tape test. So you can imagine what life in my house has been like. However, I am surprised that I have not given in today, even after a long trip in the car, which is usually my weak point. I ALWAYS feel the need to smoke in the car, but I resisted. Even when I found a coupon for $1 off a pack of cigarettes in my purse. I even held strong when we stopped at my best friend's, who smokes in her house. (We only smoke outside, but going to her house is BIG temptation!) So I'm about halfway to success, because I hear 3 days is the mark to hit. All in all I think I'll make it, because I hate to fail. More accurately, I hate to ADMIT failure.
On a different note... who else is totally HOOKED on Deparate Housewives?? This is a total addiction for everyone I know, even N got interested. I love Sunday night now!!
Monday, November 22, 2004
Still going strong...
Posted by
11/22/2004 06:25:00 PM
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