While many of the other bloggers are taking the weekend off of blogging as usual, I'm diligently working at my computer to bring you lots of weekend babbling entertainment. Use that scroll to check out the full weekend line up!! Oh, and a friend has gone back to Adorable Rodent because of her busy schedule, and I'm determined to bring her to her rightful place with the Marsupials. Have a linky, darlin'!! (and if you aren't reading her site, what's your problem? You don't know what you are missing!!
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Another Multiple Post Day... Scroll down or else!!
Posted by
4/30/2005 09:59:00 PM
Haloscan has been a butthead
I normally try to respond to every comment, but lately Haloscan hasn't been consistantly emailing me comments. I've also noticed it's eaten a few. So... please know I read every comment left (and cherish them, I'm overjoyed when anyone reads the site!), and if I don't respond it's not because I don't like you or your breath stinks. Haloscan's breath does stink though, someone needs to pass it an Altoid!! Oh, and delurkers??
Talk to me here, my fragile ego needs you!!
Posted by
4/30/2005 09:57:00 PM
Have you gotten a compliment today??
Every once in a while, we stubmle upon a completely different type of blog. One that comes to mind is Michele, who devotes her site to her readers, and creates a sense of community for us all. Today I recieved a comment from someone who has a wonderful blog idea. They have devoted their site to compliments, especially complimenting by comments. So... there is a new blog on my blogroll, The Complimenting Commenter. Go over and take a peek, then spread some compliments! After all, you might brighten up someone's day when they need it most!! Don't forget to compliment those around you, their smile will be worth it!!
Posted by
4/30/2005 11:54:00 AM
More music nostalgia
Buzz posted what his iPod (had they existed) list would have looked like the year he graduated HS. So... here's mine (you can figure out the year for yourselves!!)
I actually had to pull up the top singles from that year, and pick the ones I liked. In no particular order:
OutKast~ Ms. Jackson
Nelly~ Country Grammar
Kelis~ Caught Out There
Eminem~ The Real Slim Shady
Eminem~ The Way I Am
Destiny's Child~ Jumpin' Jumpin'
Sisqo~ Thong Song (Shut UP!! I know I'm not the only one who liked that song, it made the top 10!)
Craig David~ Fill Me In
Santana ft. Rob Thomas~ Smooth
3 Doors Down~ Kryptonite
Brian McKnight~ Back at One
Jagged Edge~ Let's Get Married
Jay Z ft UGK~ Big Pimpin'
Next~ Wifey
Third Eye Blind~ Never Let You Go
Pink~ There You Go
Dr. Dre~ Forgot About Dre
Sisqo~ Got To Get It
Missy Elliott ~ Hot Boyz
Eve~ Love is Blind
DMX~ Party Up
Train~ Meet Virginia
Santana~ Maria Maria
Kid Rock~ Only God Knows Why
Papa Roach~ Last Resort
Da Brat~ What Chu Like
504 Boyz ~ Wobble Wobble
Black Rob~ Whoa
Ludacris~ What's Your Fantasy
Juvenile~ Back That Thang Up
Mya~ Case of the Ex
Trick Daddy~ Shut Up
Of course, there would be a healthy dose of Dave Matthews Band, since I've been following them since 1996, and probably a good chunk of Third Eye Blind, since I was still hooked on them at the time. Ok, let the teasing begin...
Posted by
4/30/2005 10:04:00 AM
Just wondering
Is it wrong that I spent my Saturday morning dancing to Chingy, Trick Daddy, and Ludacris (mmm... Luda...) with the kids? Going through unmarked mix CDs is always fun, it's like an audio treasure hunt. (Note to self, save time by marked CDs as they are burned!!) Oh, and for the record... my son cannot dance. I'm pretty sure he may never get laid due to the twisting butt shake that must have come from his paternal genes. It's definitely a unique set of moves.
Posted by
4/30/2005 09:50:00 AM
Friday, April 29, 2005
Scroll down
Tonight I'll be boring entertaining you with multiple posts, so please scroll down for more crap quality writing. Thank you.
Posted by
4/29/2005 09:59:00 PM
More Ego-riffic-ness!
My TTLB ranking is currently up to Marauding Marsupial, which puts me in some excellent company (most of which I think are way better bloggers than moi!) . I'm way too excited about it, I just called the Hubs, and had to then explain the TTLB. He's proud of me for moving up on the evolutionary charts, of course. Now let's see if it stays that way. :)
Posted by
4/29/2005 09:57:00 PM
Horror in Suburbia
I saw this on TV while out to lunch with my family today, but couldn't hear it at the time. After reading the article, I feel ill, literally feeling like I need to vomit. I cannot possibly understand what would make someone do this, let alone to her own children. Each child was stabbed more than 200 times. She stabbed her 9 year old and 3 year old in separate rooms, more than 200 times each. Wrap your mind around that for a second. You can't, can you?! Fucking unbelievable. I cannot muster any sympathy for this woman, regardless of the circumstances. It takes an especially cruel, sadistic person to inflict so many stab wounds on someone, let alone a child. This methodical murder deserves the most horrible and painful punishment imaginable, and it's stories like this that make me sad our nation is protected from "cruel and unusual punishment". After all, who protected those babies from cruel and unusual punishment? And if she comes back with the "post-partum psychosis" excuse I don't buy it. I've suffered through lots of depression and more than a few suicidal thoughts, but even at my lowest lows I made sure my children were safe. I almost handed them over to their out-of-state grandparents at one point, for fear I couldn't take proper care of them, but I could never have hurt them. That's instinct, to make sure your babies are cared for. It's unforgivable to hurt them, and I hope this woman rots in the deepest pits of hell for her crimes.
Posted by
4/29/2005 09:43:00 PM
I can see!!
A couple of well-known bloggers are talking about depression lately. Some are struggling worse than others, and even more are struggling silently. Most of us can say we've been there at least once in our lives, in a place so bad that it seems pitch black, like the light switch to the world has been flicked off. For some, they live their whole lives like that, sometimes they get help, sometimes they cannot be helped, and so often they suffer quietly because it's difficult to admit, difficult to explain, just plain difficult. I'm actually writing this post because I've reached a new point, I've been struggling in the trenches of depression for a few years now, with the highs and lows, the quiet times and the overwhelming moments. It's often incredibly hard to recognize a depression, and even harder to admit it. After all, you must be the only one feeling this way, there just must be something wrong with you, why can't you feel normal and happy?! The beginning of my recognition came shortly after the birth of my children, three years ago. You often don't see the "truth" until it has become crippling, until you realize you cannot even function. I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder after seeking help (and being ignored once by a medical professional) at my 8 week post-partum check-up. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I was afraid to leave my house. I couldn't drive, I was too scared something would happen. I had horrible nightmares about being stuck on the train tracks and unable to get both children out of the car. Nightmares about bugs crawling down the kids' throats and choking them while I slept. Fires separating me and the kids, blocking me from saving them. The most horrible and paranoid thoughts kept me awake at night, jumping at the slightest creak or shadow. I had become a crippled shell of myself. I sought help, and was doing much better, eventually became strong enough to leave an abusive marriage, but leaving meant losing my healthcare, and the stress of the divorce took it's toll. I've spent the last 2 years in an up and down cycle, just barely treading water. The beautiful thing is I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Things are falling into place, and allowing me a few moments of sunshine and fresh air rather than constant suffocation. We've worked hard as a family, and sacrificed a lot just to get to this point, and though it's not going to be all smooth sailing from here we are finally doing more than just surviving. I hope that everyone out there who is feeling depressed or stressed or just at the end of their rope realizes relief will come. There are so many news stories of parents just snapping, killing their children, killing themselves, abandoning everything, or otherwise losing control. My heart weeps for those people, because more often than not someone could have helped them. I probably wouldn't be alive today if not for support from people close to me, and my heart breaks for those who feel so isolated that they have no other options. This is my thank you to Cori, for all the times she has listened to me bitch and moan, the unconditional friendship and support. To my husband for every moment he has stuck by me when everyone else had given up, for picking me up when I couldn't do it myself, and giving me a break when life made it hard to breathe. Think of the people you know, do you recognize the cries for help? Pay attention to them, and reach out a hand, even if it's just a shoulder to cry on or offering a helping hand. Wouldn't you want someone to do the same for you?
Posted by
4/29/2005 07:17:00 PM
To: My cats Re: Your behavior
While I can appreciate your current circumstance, I promise being in heat will not kill you. I will not allow you to satisfy your urges outside with the stray toms for your own good. Believe me, it's not a good idea, no matter how much fun it seems. Now, we need to chat about your current behavior. You see, you are both female cats, and while I support homosexuality in general, I would prefer not to witness feline lesbian acts. Furthermore, there are children present, and explaining what you are doing with each other is not on my list of fun things to do. So stop. NOW. It's gross, and will not be tolerated. Failure to comply will result in the squirt gun, and it won't be fun.
Thank you,
The Management
Stop peeing in corners and on blankets. It's not funny.
Posted by
4/29/2005 09:45:00 AM
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
My kids have been quite "spirited" this week (read: they've been total buttheads... YES! I just called my children "buttheads", you wanna make something of it?!) and the end result is usually a Mommy Migraine. Tonight, even though they've been in bed for an hour, they are still up screaming and fighting with each other, in the dark. Every so often, if the screams become too tortured, I'll go in, watch them scramble back to their beds, and tell them to knock it off. Anyway, I heard Madison scream that special kind of scream only a little girl can do. You know, the one that sounds like a hockey mask-wearing gorilla jumped out of the closet and tore her arms from her body? Yeah, that's the one. So I go in, and find Shane sitting by her bed, dilligently working at something that he had taken from her. (All the while, hearing her scream "GIVE IT BACK!!! BACK!! MOMMY!!", and we're still in darkness.) I walked over to find him with this...
What you see there is a toy can from a kitchen set, and a knife from a tea set. Shane was splitting open the can like it contained the last morsel of food on the planet. I wonder how totally bummed he would have been had he fully cracked it to find only air. I can picture it now, him shaking the can into his mouth, and then throwing it with frustration, much like you'd see an animal do in the wild. The sad part is that happens frequently enough for the image to be permanently etched in my mind. Oh, the joys...
Posted by
4/26/2005 07:15:00 PM
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Everyone needs their ego stroked once in a while, right? I took a test on alcohol knowledge, and considering I've bartended before I wasn't impressed with my score. I do know me some good English though!
English Genius
You scored 100% Beginner, 92% Intermediate, 93% Advanced, and 86% Expert! You did so extremely well, even I
can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon
intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You
have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly!
Way to go!
Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it!
For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog: http://shortredhead78.blogspot.com/. Link: The Commonly Confused Words Test written by shortredhead78 on OkCupid Free Online Dating
Posted by
4/24/2005 10:16:00 PM
Kimmy the tiger
I found this on Amy's site, and my virtual pet is on the bottom of my sidebar. I was chatting with Shylah as I was trying to come up with a name, so we deferred to her daughter, who decided Kimmy was a good name. Scroll down there, and check her out. Careful, she scratches if you get too close...
Posted by
4/24/2005 09:45:00 PM
The image game
Monty has created a fun little game, you pick 5 blogfriends, choose one or two words that describe them, and do an image search on those words. Then you post them!! Soooooo... here goes! :)
My close friendship with Cori makes it hard to choose just one word, but above all else she is "Sincere"
I really don't have a word in my vocabulary to describe Tish (no worries, darlin' all of the possibilities were good!) One thing you can count on, she is "Real"
Mel is incredibly "Gracious"
Brandon is at times "Outlandish", and I mean that in a positive way
Jay is definitely "Animated"
Come on, give it a shot, and let me know in comments if you post your list!
Posted by
4/24/2005 07:35:00 PM
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Water anyone?
I had to share this, because it's so amazing that I couldn't keep it to myself. This is my tap water, water I pay for, not from a well. This is how it looks straight out of the tap, into a clean glass. Am I the only one who thinks there is something majorly fucking wrong with that? Needless to say, we don't drink it. Either way, I'm so glad our water company is well regulated and gives us clean drinking water and all.
Posted by
4/23/2005 10:51:00 PM
Friday, April 22, 2005
For the love of children
My husband will do anything to make our children happy. Our agreement was I could post these pictures if I put that disclaimer. So, again...
My husband will do anything to make our children happy. The following pictures are proof of that, and not something he does for his own entertainment. Thank you.
Anyway, here we go...
The kids "tattooed" Daddy aka the giant coloring book.
Madison made Daddy pretty (or as pretty as a grown man in dress up can get)
More getting gussied up
Finally, smiles make it all worth it...
Come on, it just doesn't get sweeter than that!!
Posted by
4/22/2005 08:29:00 PM
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
#@$^&*#%$ Blogger
Blogger is acting funny. Not funny ha ha, funny like the smell of the diaper pail. (Oh, how happy I am that we no longer have a diaper pail!) When I try to see my site, and a couple other Blogger sites, it sends me back to the dashboard. I can acess my site from Cori's blogroll, but that's it. WTF is that? Stupid Blogger. Ok, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Posted by
4/20/2005 10:52:00 PM
Win or Go Home
It's playoff time in the NBA. I love playoff time, especially if my team is in it. Indiana just won their game, so instead of being in the 6th slot, the Sixers are in the 7th, and playing Detroit first round. I'm not optimistic on that match up, but we shall see. Hopefully, will be able to carry the team, because I'm like every other Philadelphia fan, and have very little faith in Webber. Honestly, we don't like Chris Webber because he gets paid a whole lot of money, and hasn't produced results. He gets his feelings hurt when the fans are disappointed with him, but Philadelphia sports fans are notoriously loud and tempermental, so he'd better get some thicker skin if he wants to be accepted by the city. Cori tells me he was well loved in Sacramento, I say they can have him back! In the meantime, I'm expecting a lot from Iverson and Iguodala, as well as 6th man Aaron McKie. Korver needs to bring his beautiful 3pt abilities, and Webber needs to suck it up and stop pouting. Those things happen and we have a chance, which would make me a very happy camper. Oh, and to the City of Philadelphia, I again plead... dress the damn statue!! Happy Playoffs everyone!
Posted by
4/20/2005 07:09:00 PM
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Send help
This post was written last night at 12:30, and not surprisingly, Sprint was incorrect in telling me my DSL would be back up at 6pm today. It's 7:51pm CST, and I'm on dialup, because I'm not going to have my DSL back until at least tomorrow night. I'm beginning to wonder how Sprint has become such a major company, because in 3 years of using various services from them (they have a local phone service monopoly in my area) this seems to be the norm. Grrrrrrrr....
I'm actually writing this in Notepad, because disaster has struck. My DSL is down and will be down until "no later than 6PM". It's 12:42AM. 18 hours people! EIGHTEEN HOURS! No blogging, no email, no message boards, no Yahoo Messenger. OMG I think I might die from withdrawal. Actually, if I die from withdrawal you won't ever read this, so I guess I'm not dead yet. Have I mentioned 18 hours? Considering my disdain for Sprint already, this is just salt in the wound. **sigh** I'm going to go cry now.
Posted by
4/19/2005 05:48:00 PM
Monday, April 18, 2005
Survey Time
Do you or have you ever had a three year old? If so, I'd like you to help me out by answering a few questions. Sound good? Ok, great! My kids will be 3 in June. (OH. MY. GOD! Where did the time go?) We've been kicking around the idea of getting them real bikes with training wheels for their birthday, but we're not too sure. What were your kids' favorite presents at this age? What gifts were totally crap, or drove you nuts? Basically, I'm looking for things that will be a big hit, and a list of things to avoid. When did you get your children their first bike? When did they start really enjoying it? Any computer games they would be able to play? (We haven't introduced the kids to the PC yet, but they've got to learn soon or they'll surely be behind in pre-school!) Thank you for your cooperation in this research, it is greatly appreciated!
Posted by
4/18/2005 12:07:00 PM
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Cleanup on aisle 7
***Please skip this post if you are eating, or are easily grossed out. We here at Insanity cannot be held responsible for any adverse reactions while reading this post**
I'm not sure I ever covered this topic on this site, though it was discussed at one of the Genuine Bashes, so this alone should be incentive enough to attend the next one. You just never know where the conversations will go. In June 2004 Nate had seen this adorable puppy at the police animal control, and since we'd gone back and forth on getting a dog we finally decided this was the one. A cute little pit bull pup, he was about 10 weeks old when we brought him home. We moved out to our current house, and N was working for an ambulance service, 24 on and 48 off. We were having some trouble getting Peanut trained, and couldn't afford training classes, but since N had Boxers with his ex-wife and had trained them himself, I figured he could handle it. Honestly, I'm not much of a dog person anymore, especially a puppy, because they require lots of time and attention, and I've got enough on my plate. The deal was N would train Peanut to act like a respectable inside dog, no pooping on the floors, no chewing furniture or belongings, normal stuff. Well, Peanut had different ideas, and we were getting frustrated. We started doing a canine version of attachment parenting, except it was literally attachment as the puppy was to be on a leash and by our sides at all times. We were using crate training while we were out of the house, and seemed to be making a bit of progress with this hard-headed dog. Remember, I'm not too enthused about training him, and am getting annoyed that I have to drag him around during N's 24 hour shifts. After a couple weeks, I start to notice an odd occurrence. The Pink collection had just hit Victoria's Secret stores, and panties were 5 for $20, so I bought 10 pairs. I bought them because I was running a bit low on undergarments, but I just chalked that up to the dryer monster or whatever. About a month after I had gone shopping, I was missing a few more of the new pairs, and starting to get curious. I bought 5 more, and started paying attention. One day while N was at work, I got out of the shower and saw Peanut run out of the bathroom. I chased him and caught up with him just as the last bit of fabric went into his mouth. Busted, the little bastard has been eating my thongs! We bought a hanging hamper, but no matter what we tried he would still manage to sneak a snack out of my laundry. I bought 10 more pairs, so now we're up to $100 in panties in a few months, and I'm getting pissed. The obvious question is where are they going? Mind you, he'd swallow them whole, often so quickly that no one would notice. We started looking around in the yard one day, and sure enough my property was littered with digested underwear. Since we live on an acre, we weren't very diligent about scooping poop, and over time the poop disinigrated leaving a dried up pair of underwear in it's place. Nice huh? You can bet that was a fun scavenger hunt. Oh, and one day while I was at work, N called me and said "I found your black panties, Peanut just threw them up. What do you want me to do with them?" Only a man would ask that... I wanted them to go in the trash, of course. Well, to shorten the story a bit, we finally had enough between the panties and a few other costly disasters, and we gave Peanut away to a nice woman who had more time and space to care for him. It's been about 6 months since we gave him away, but since it's spring we've been doing some maintenance outside. Nate cut down some overgrown areas on the edges of our property, and I went out to rake the trimmings. What did I find? Another old, digested thong. I picked it up with the rake, and threw it one of the burn piles, joking with Nate about that damn dog and his fetish, and he tells me he found another pair on the other side. We'll be moving this summer, but I have to wonder what the next tenants will think should they find any more. On the other hand, one must be impressed by the craftsmanship of VS... now that's durability.
Posted by
4/16/2005 12:40:00 AM
Friday, April 15, 2005
I am decent speller. Not perfect by any means, there are often common words that I just cannot seem to spell, but I blame it on Mommybrain and ask someone. (Usually Cori, because she's one smart cookie! Mmm... cookies...) Anyway, there are a couple of things that I see online ALL the time, so here's a quick PSA for those of you who need it.
"Loose" means "not snug".
Ex: "That bolt is loose, can you hand me a wrench?"
I'm pretty sure "looser" is not a word, and I'm very sure "loosing" is not.
"Lose" is the opposite of "gain" or "win". Therefore "losing" is the opposite of "gaining" or "winning".
You are not "loosing" your marbles when your sanity is waning. Your team did not "loose" the game. Got it?
Ok, great. Next, we'll address the "their, there, they're" thing.
"Their" is "belonging to them".
Ex: "Their house is gorgeous!"
"There" is a place.
Ex: "Call me when you get there."
"They're" is "they are".
Ex: "I cannot wait until the kids go to bed, they're driving me nuts!"
Please take notes, this is basic English! I can overlook most things, just as I'd hope you'll overlook the sometimes poor punctuation in my writing, but I'm feeling particularly snarky tonight, so I had to address those issues. Ok, class dismissed!
Posted by
4/15/2005 07:52:00 PM
Check the tail end
Someone on my Freecycle list was looking for a male kitten, which made me think back to my first apartment and the cat we had. I was just barely 18, and living in this total shithole with the guy I was dating. I wanted a cat, and his mom knew someone who had kittens, so I came home from work one night to find a cute little grey furball and the required accessories. I was totally stoked to have this cat. You see, I had to give away my childhood pet, because my step-dad's German Shepard wanted to eat him, so this was my "replacement" now that I was on my own. I named her Princess, because I wasn't very creative and it seemed like a perfectly acceptable kitty name. Fast forward about 3 months, my Grandmom is visiting from Florida, and stops by my apartment. After telling me I really ought to get curtains, and shouldn't I get a couple throw rugs to brighten up the place, she picks up Princess to show her some love. "Crystal, why on earth would you name this cat Princess?" "Well, I don't know, it seemed like a good name. What's the big deal?" She proceeds to lift up the cats tail, and show me it's rear end. Meanwhile, I'm thinking "Wow, she's totally lost it, why do I want to look at a cat's butt?" My wonderful grandmother tells me "It's a BOY cat! You don't name a boy cat Princess!" No, that can't be right... I specifically asked for a female kitten. She's crazy, right? "This cat has a ding-a-ling! Look! Those are his jewels! What on earth did you think that was?" Sure enough, she was right, I'd been calling my boy cat Princess for months. One might think I'd be able to tell the difference at 18, but sadly I believed it was a cooter. *Sigh* So much for all those years of Sex Ed right? We promptly renamed the cat Flip, but I'm sure it couldn't have been good for his self image.
Posted by
4/15/2005 07:02:00 PM
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Musings from Madison
My little girl has got quite the imagination. She's bossy like her mom, creative, and loves to sing and dance. We went for a walk tonight, and Maddie was singing, making up the song using our names and whatever else we saw along the way. When we came home she was singing "Shake your butt, shake your head, shake your arms, shake shake shake!", while doing the appropriate (or inappropriate, considering she was lifting up her nightgown to shake her groove thing!) motions. She's also named this cheap plastic doll, one of those fake-Barbie things that came in an Easter basket. She's dubbed it LaLa, out of nowhere. (No, it's not from Telletubbies, we don't watch that!) LaLa has become her companion, which means I have to constantly re-attach LaLa's various body parts since she cannot hold it together. Madison has also started calling her brother Shaney Boy, as if she were a little old grandma. Mark my words, this one is going to be a drama mama, and she's going to have all the boys wrapped around her little finger. Daddy and Shane have already fallen under her spell, so consider this fair warning. Your son could be next.
Posted by
4/13/2005 07:56:00 PM
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
A to Z
Stolen from Cori and Raven, here's the A to Z meme!
Accent: NJ/Philadelphia accent, with a bit of the south tossed in there.
Bra Size: 34B... I'm still waiting for Cori to share some of hers, her cups runneth over!
Chore I hate: Most of all? Sweeping and mopping
Dad's Name: Rich
Essential Make-Up: Foundation, my skin is horrible!
Favorite Perfume: Hmmm... Aqua di Gio by Armani
Gold or Silver: White gold or silver
Hometown: Tabernacle, NJ... obviously I don't live there anymore, but it's where I grew up.
Interesting fact: I'm a direct descendant (15th gen I believe) of William Brewster, a priest on the Mayflower. I was the first to be born in Plymouth after our people left that area a couple centuries ago.
Job Title: Household CEO aka Mommy and Wife
Kids: 2, a boy and a girl who will be 3 in June
Living Arrangements: A rental in the country
Mom's Birthplace: Either Mt. Holly, NJ or Philadelphia, PA. I'll have to ask her that one.
Number of Apples Eaten in the Last Week: 2, which is pretty unusual for me, I rarely eat them
Overnight Hospital Stays: When the kids were born
Phobias: No real phobias, but I'm scared of spiders and snakes
Question You Ask Yourself A Lot: Am I doing this right?
Siblings: A half-sister who is 10, and a half-brother who is 5
Time I Wake Up: Embarrassingly late, my alarm is set for 8:30
Unnatural Hair Color: I dyed my hair recently back to my natural color, dark brown. I've been a redhead, and quite a few shades of brown.
Vegetable I refuse to Eat: Beets
Worst Habit: Picking at my skin. That's my nervous habit in the same way some people bite their nails. It's awful!
X-Rays: Teeth, foot
Yummy Food I Make: My 3 best are probably Chicken Parm, Lasagna, and Reese's cookies
Zodiac Sign: Virgo. I used to think I didn't fit the bill, but as I get older I see just how much of a true Virgo I am, though I'm more lax than the "typical" Virgo
Posted by
4/12/2005 06:50:00 PM
Monday, April 11, 2005
We all get strange search hits. Those of us who monitor our stats (ok, EVERYONE!) know what kind of demented visitors you can get from Google or other search engines. Jay does an advice column from time to time (psst... Jay, I love those entries!), so that market may be cornered. I don't usually bother posting about the hits, but tonight I will. I get a couple hits a day from keywords "Poke Her". Apparently a lot of people want to do just that, and are using Google to find out how. I get the random ones that I'm the 546th result for, and often wonder just how bored that person must have been to dig that deep into the search pile. Tonight I had a visitor from Arkansas searching this. My advice? Just tell her, and save everyone involved the headache. And honestly, did you need the internet to tell you that?
Posted by
4/11/2005 09:47:00 PM
It's the little things
Sometimes I'm easy to please. (most of the time I'm a pain in the ass, but that's not the point. Shut UP!) So little things can totally make my day, but it sometimes makes me wonder just how boring I've become. Case in point, I seem to do a constant stream of laundry. In reality I rpobably do 2 loads a day, but it just seems like there is always one in the washer, one in the dryer, and at least one waiting. You wanna see me do the happy dance? Leave me with an empty dryer. I get way too excited when I'm expecting to have to remove a load before adding the freshly washed stuff, but instead open that door to find an empty drum. Seriously, it's such a great little surprise! Empty dishwasher just waiting for the dirty dishes? Another great surprise! And it's free, so that's always a plus. An awesome not-free pleasure is new sheets. I ordered some last week on Overstock.com (addicted!), and they came in today. The thread count is not extravagantly high but it's still a good quality, sateen set. I washed them earlier, and am about to remake the bed so I can enjoy their yumminess tonight. Of course, it's so much sweeter knowing I got them really cheap, like 70% off. 70% off definitely makes me happy. See? I'm not *always* difficult!
Posted by
4/11/2005 09:12:00 PM
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Class participation
Joe is doing a nifty little project, which you can read about here. Basically he wants you to send him a line from 2 of your favorite posts on your blog, which he'll then use to compose a poem. I've sent my lines, so why not add yours? Your blog will be linked with your lines, and this should prove an interesting little creation!!
Posted by
4/09/2005 10:49:00 PM
Settle a debate?
Ok, can you help settle a little "debate"? N and I disagree on the meaning of this song, he says it's about God, and I say that it's about a woman, the one God sent him to "save" him, so to speak. Either way it's a great song, but I thought I'd get some outside opinions on the meaning. I really don't want to have to stalk Mr. Green to find out!
Artist/Band: Green Pat
Wave On Wave
Mile upon Mile I got no direction.
We’re all playing the same game
We’re all looking for redemption
Just afraid to say the name
So caught up now in pretending
What we’re seeking is the truth
I’m just look for a happy ending
All I’m looking for is you
It came upon me wave on wave
You’re the reason I’m still here
Am I the one you were sent to save?
It came upon me wave on wave
I wandered out into the water
I thought that I might drown
I don’t know what I was after
Just know that I was going down
That’s when she found me
I’m not afraid anymore
She said, you know I always had ya baby
Just waiting for you to find what you were looking for
It came upon me wave on wave
You’re the reason I’m still here
Am I the one you were sent to save?
It came upon me wave on wave
Wave on wave
Wave on wave
The clouds broke and the angels cried
You ain’t gotta walk alone
That’s why he put me in your way
You came upon wave on wave
It came upon me wave on wave
You’re the reason I’m still here
Am I the one you were sent to save?
It came upon me wave on wave
Posted by
4/09/2005 01:24:00 PM
Friday, April 08, 2005
You wanna fight??
***If you are a Republican, you might want to just skip this post. I'm not trying to start a political debate, nor am I trying to offend.
I knew when we put the bumper stickers on our car that it would anger some people, especially here. A couple weeks before the election, we bought some bumper stickers that were anti-Bush. (Remember, I only live about 30 minutes from the "Western White House", Dubya is a god here.) I'll admit the "Bush is a punk-ass chump" one is rude and obnoxious, but I've seen more obnoxious decals here, so we decided to put it on anyway. The other 2 (they all go across our back windshield) are "Bring Them Home Now" and "Iraq: the 51st State". We've been lucky to not have any vandalism to our car, I know this. Anyway, someone pulled up behind N at a stop light this evening, and the passenger got out of his car, came up to N, and challenged him to a brawl. Apparently, the guy felt N's protest against our current administration was non-support for our troops which is untrue. He was screaming at N about not support soldiers and whatnot, all the while not knowing N is a former (and soon to be active) soldier, with many friends who served in Iraq, and more than a few who died there. I've often contemplated taking them down, if only to avoid serious confrontation that could get dangerous, but my idealistic mind says most people can control themselves. This isn't always true, of course, but I still believe in free speech, and I feel like taking them down would be giving up that right. No one takes their "Dubya 04" stickers off their cars, there are political signs all up and down the highway telling the public to support Republican politicians here, but because I disagree with the majority, it's "unacceptable". I wouldn't get out of my car to threaten anyone, especially not for an opinion, so I cannot comprehend this guy's decision. It's legal to carry a concealed weapon here as long as you have a license. What if N was some crazy with a gun, and dude just came up to him and challenged him. Was telling N off worth that risk? (Of course, N doesn't carry a weapon, but dude had no way of knowing that) Then again, is making an unpopular statement such a wise choice for us? Maybe the next guy who comes up to our window will be the crazy with a weapon, and that's not really a risk I want to take. I do think it's pretty sad that we cannot all agree to disagree. No one seems to be changing anyone else's mind with the debating/arguing, yet we cannot seem to give it up. Here's a novel idea... we share ideas and opinions nicely, even if they are opposing opinions. If we cannot agree, it's ok. We don't have to. Please stop trying to convince everyone you are right, and they are wrong, because honestly, we could all be wrong, and we'll all feel like asses then.
Posted by
4/08/2005 09:52:00 PM
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
The men had two eggs!
I've talked before about the intelligent conversations about biology that people engage in with parents of multiples. Today, while getting the kids' portraits taken, the "photographer" enlightened me on the human reproductive system's abilities. You see, I'd been under the impression that dizygotic (fraternal) multiples resulted from hyperovulation (more than one egg released) and then the eggs are fertilized by sperm. The resulting conclusion would then be that fraternals are a result of a genetic response on the female side, since females ovulate. In other words, the father cannot "cause" a fraternal multiple pregnancy. Color me stupid, I was wrong. According to the photographer/biologist fraternals can be carried on both sides, men can hyperovulate. As a matter of fact, when asking me if twins ran on N's side of the family (she was unaware that he was not their biological father) she told me "Men can have two eggs, too!" I must have slept through freshman biology, because I had it all wrong. Maybe I can get some eggs from that rooster outside for breakfast tomorrow.
Posted by
4/06/2005 09:49:00 PM
Not dead
See? My boredom didn't kill me. Actually, Wednesday and Thursday are our weekend, so I tend to not blog as much, but I make up for it on Fridays. Anyway, I had a post drafted last night, referencing Kim's post about phone calls, but I didn't like it, so it sits in lonely Blogger purgatory. Sad existence, huh? I do so hope everyone is having a wonderful week, and if you live in TX you might want to hang on to something sturdy, these winds are threatening to blow us away! Oh, and if you don't read the Sarcastic Journalist regularly, go over and give her a hug. Someone stole her pregnancy photos off her other site, passing them off as their own. Can anyone tell me how to watermark my pics? I'd rather the sick puppies of the internet not be able to steal them.
Posted by
4/06/2005 09:05:00 PM
Monday, April 04, 2005
I'm booooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddd! Really really bored. As in I keep checking my email in hopes of something new showing up, and I've been doing cyber circles all night to find something to do. If you notice an IP address showing up on your stats every 13 seconds, it's me, because I'm BORED! Ok, I'm done now.
Posted by
4/04/2005 08:24:00 PM
Let me preempt this post by saying I hate Netflix. I had nothing but problems when I used them a couple years ago, and so many people I know have had problems since that I won't even think about giving them another shot. They have a nasty little habit of overcharging, double billing, and otherwise wreaking havoc on your credit card. Anyway, I was pretty stoked about Blockbuster.com, I signed up for the 2 week trial, they have better prices than Netflix and 2 free in store rentals a month, enabling us to rent games for free. I've been singing their praises since I signed up about 6 months ago, and I guess I jinxed myself. For the last few weeks I've been noticing it's taking much longer to receive my movies, the turn around was about twice as long as it had been. Ok, no big, I guess they are just growing a little faster than they planned, it'll even out. Hmmm. Movies I mailed back together are being processed almost a week apart, that's odd. Wait a minute, they haven't updated their new releases in weeks, and my queue is running low. I'll do a quick search and look for some recent releases I've heard good things about. Nope, they don't have those either. Great, I can't find anything to watch, and even when I do pick something it takes forever to get to me. Ok, I guess it's time to cancel. Blockbuster is doing the same unlimited rental thing in their stores, though I'm not sure our local stores are participating. Not to mention the 20+ minute drive to get there. *sigh* I'm pretty disappointed, they had a great thing going and dropped the ball. Hopefully Blockbuster.com will get their act together, I'd definitely be willing to reconcile if they did.
Posted by
4/04/2005 07:18:00 PM
Sunday, April 03, 2005
I need TiVo!
N and I have been discussing TiVo as one of those things we'd like to get when we're not broke. We don't want to get DirecTV's DVR, because it just adds to your contract and is worthless if you discontinue DTV, so we are going to do the actual TiVo thing. Anyway, I'm not clamoring to get it yet, because it hasn't seemed that important, just a nice extra. Until tonight. There really isn't too much I care about on TV, except of course Desperate Housewives. I noticed 14 Hours was on TNT tonight at the same time as DH. No problem, they are replaying it after DH, I can watch it then. Oh, but I *had* to go scrolling through other channels on my guide, and see that an episode of Rescue Me that I'd missed was on during the second showing of 14 Hours. Rescue Me was my pre-DH obsession, a show on FX that I stumbled upon last summer. Ok, there is a 3rd showing of 14 Hours tonight, it ends at 1am. I'll go watch Rescue Me in a few minutes, then 14 Hours, then go to bed. As I'm typing this I realized the TV gods hate me, because a Sixers game was televised on ABC** during the NASCAR race today, and N and I had spent the first half of the race flipping back to see the ball game. I can never find a damn thing on TV that I want to watch, and it seems like today I couldn't find anything I *didn't* want to see. I guess that's why the rest of you love TiVo. Can I come over and use your TV?
** Sixers games are a rare luxury for me here in TX, I've only seen 3 or 4 this season, they won today.
Posted by
4/03/2005 07:37:00 PM
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Let's Make a Deal!!
I've already demonstrated time and again how neurotic I am. It's no secret, I don't even try to hide it anymore. However, I cannot possibly be the only person who has this little quirk. You see, I make deals with myself in order to be productive. You know how mom used to say "If you get all As on this report card, we can go to *insert fun thing here*."? Well, I make those deals with myself. For example, every night I put the kids in bed, and start negotiating in my mind. "I can go online only after I do X, Y, and Z." Otherwise, I'd never get a damn thing done around here. Sometimes, when there are a bunch of things that need to be done, my mind will sound like contract negotiations before a strike.
Mental conversation:
"The floors are a mess, there's laundry in the washer and dryer, we need to discuss those dishes, and for Pete's sake let's find some agreeable terms about those bathrooms!"
"Ok, vacuuming done immediately, household ordinance requires that be completed before the kids are asleep. The dishes are non-negotiable, we don't go to bed with dishes in the sink. I guess we can handle the kitchen floors at a later date, and we'll compromise on the laundry under the condition that the bathrooms are handled now."
"Ok, vacuum, then put the dry laundry on the bed, wet stuff in the dryer. Then bathrooms, and you can have your break time. However, it' is required that both loads of laundry are folded and put away before bed. Deal?"
It's a sad little method, and could probably be handled with medication, but it works for me. Next on the agenda is filing papers, I might actually have to strike over that issue. Where's my damn picket sign?
Posted by
4/02/2005 07:19:00 PM
Friday, April 01, 2005
First of all, I'm not a fan of April Fool's day. I'm just not a prankster at heart, so I don't see the appeal. Anyway, are you reading 63 Days? If not you should be. Have you been living under a rock? It seems everyone is addicted to this blog, the story of a boot camp in Utah for wayward teens. The author spent 63 hellish days being abused by the "counselors" and lived to tell about it. (Some didn't) Go check it out. Also California Hammonds is having a commenting fundraiser until midnight tonight PST. Go. Comment. NOW! Thank you!
Posted by
4/01/2005 08:10:00 PM
Should I be concerned? Someone visited from a Yahoo! search for "pics of twins". Most of their results were the Olsen twins, but after this "mommy blog" thief, I have to wonder if someone came here to steal my pictures. If you happen to stumble upon pictures of the kids could ya email me or something? Thanks!
Posted by
4/01/2005 12:15:00 PM