Monday, December 06, 2004

It's the little things in life...

It's been an exhausting week, and I've been reflecting tonight on the little things in life that make all of the crap worth it. So, in a late "Thanksgiving" tribute, here are some of the little things, and I'm oh so grateful!!

  • A really good book, or even just a decent one!
  • High fives from the twins... everything is an accomplishment worth a "pibe" to them
  • The "B" Dance my daughter has invented while in her cast. How cool is it to be 2, and so happy, even though you are in this MISERABLE contraption?!
  • Chocolate milk. "nuf said!"
  • New socks. (Admit it... nice new socks make you happy too!)
And that's just the short list! There are so many more day to day things that just make me smile, more than a few of them involve my children. So I hope those of you reading remember to smile and be happy once in a while, no matter what else is going on. In the meantime, I'm learning HTML, and experimenting, so bear with me if the page gets screwed up. I'll be posting some pictures of the kids tomorrow! :)