Friday, December 10, 2004

Stupid people

This comment was left on my blog, under a picture of my kids. Now, for those of you without a CLUE, leaving comments on other people's blogs usually result in them reading yours. However, it's generally polite to actually comment on their blog, not just use their comment space to fish for hits to your site.

At Friday, December 10, 2004, daniel said…

This probably isn’t the best way to get people to come read and comment on my blog but it’s worth a try. You might even read something beneficial.

Is that ignorant or what?? Not a "Hey, cute kids" Not a "Hey, you suck", just a blatant self promotion. And I *did* check the guy's blog out (I was thinking it might actually be funny since he is so seemingly clueless), he's pretty boring, and a touch narcissitic. Do me a favor dude, get a life!