Saturday, January 15, 2005

Like, OMG!!

I guess this weekend is my bitchfest, because here I go again!!
Ok, there is this woman, my age, married, has 1 child, and thinks her family is God's gift to the world. She belongs to an online group I belong to, and is incessently posting about the newest expensive ridiculous item she bought, or how high her credit score is, how much money her husband makes, etc. Oh, and she's a God fearing woman, don't you forget it! A Republican (are you shocked?), her hubby is in the service, but she still stands by her President because he doesn't like gays. And you know, gay marriage would RUIN the sanctity of her CHRISTIAN marriage. (Personally, I thought the hookers her lovely husband enjoyed overseas did that already!) "Omgosh, don't let those nasty homos marry! They could corrupt my kid! Did I mention the 3 new cars we have? And my credit score is 799!"
I could go on and on about her, and I'm not the only one. There are literally thousands of members to this board, probably about a hundred post on a regular basis, and she is the only one who drives me this insane. There are a couple women on there that I don't care for, but none are as obnoxious as this particular one. Since this is a well-regulated board, there is no flaming or rude comments allowed, so I'll have to vent my frustrations here. And if by some chance you are reading this, you now know I REALLY don't like you. I'm sure you'll get over it, just go shopping!