Monday, July 11, 2005

Blatant Mommy Bragging

You've been warned, this post is just the blatherings of a proud mommy, and may cause nausea.

My little girl is an ARTIST! Yes, an artist, dammit! She opened up my (defunct) dayplanner and started scribbling on the notepad. Usually her drawings are just scribbles and lines, but I looked at what she had created, and saw a face. I thought I might be assuming there was meaning in the lines that wasn't really there, so I asked her. "It's Mommy!!" I pointed to the "features" and asked her what they were, and she told me they were eyes and mouth, with a tone of "Duh, Mom". So here is my daughter's first "person" drawing, her representation of me!! I know, I'm being silly, can't help it!
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