Thursday, July 07, 2005

My week in pictures

My brothers-in-law were in town. Here are the "boys", Nate, Jake, and Dusty.
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The kids and their uncles...
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Jake is the baby of the family, he just graduated high school and is joining the Coast Guard. Here are the kids and their Uncle Jakey
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Dusty is the middle son, enrolled in college, enjoying being 20 years old. The kids call him Uncle Ducky, a nickname he loves.
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Last but not least, the construction crews cut my cable line earlier today, and I was bored. Me and bordom are bad. Jake had asked me to give him a mohawk a on Sunday, which I did. Today I decided to give Shane one as well. Actually, N did the cutting, but I told him to. I know, we're horrible people, but Shane LOVES it. We'll probably cut it all off in a couple days.
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