Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Evil political ranting

Normally I would avoid politics, because it is such a hot button. Still, I couldn't resist when I read this article.

"A lot of my fellow conservatives are concerned, but they don't know her as I do," said Hatch, a former chairman of the Judiciary Committee. "She's going to basically do what the president thinks she should and that is be a strict constructionist." ~ Sen. Orrin Hatch, (R-Utah)

Basically what that quote says to me is that our Supreme Court (as with every other part of our government) is a good ol' boys club, where the one with the most friends makes the law. I'm disgusted by how easily the basis of our country has crumbled. It's a disgrace to our forefathers and everything they fought for.

**In case anyone would like to say something smart about me complaining, I did indeed vote, and it was not for the current administration. We evil liberals called this exact situation, Bush stacking the Court.