Tuesday, August 01, 2006

After a day like today... (edited)

I've decided on my own version of Buzz's ECF, and it's only Tuesday. Og, and unlike the great Buzz, I'm being totally selfish and only posting for my choices. *wink*

Nicole must have been thinking along the same lines, because she posted this and this... mmmmm!!

The gorgeous D. Beckham. I don't care what anyone says... Metro is hot.
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Mmmm... some Vin Diesel (Again, the metro is HOT)
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And Allen Iverson looking oh-so-adorable with one of his babies (I think it's Tiaura, but hard to tell)... who can resist a cute Daddy pic? (Anyone who says he is a thug gets their ass kicked. I mean it!)
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Edited 2 Aug 06: It's only 0951 CST, and I already have a headache. I think I'll leave this post at the top until I feel better. Mmmmm... eye candy.