Sunday, December 10, 2006


It's mid-December... did you get that memo? Because I don't know about you, but I am NOT ready for this!! I haven't finished shopping yet, I don't even know what to buy for my little rugrats who have everything, or a couple other people on my list. I have to take Christmas photos this week, like TOMORROW, for my kids and my best friend's kids, so we can get cards out ASAP. Oh, and I'm working odd schedules for the rest of the year, until I get official position the first week of January or so. Of course, 2 weeks after I get my team, I'm taking a long weekend to LA, so something tells me my laptop will be coming with. *sigh* Time is going way too fast.

So, have you finished your holiday to-do list? Are you prepared for the holidays, or running around frantically like I am?

psst... you'll soon see a new and improved look around here, so stay tuned for the blog makeover!

Filed In: Daily Insanity