Sunday, January 28, 2007


So, I took a weekend trip to Hawaii to see a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in almost 7 years. I must say, Hawaii is the most beautiful place I've ever seen, and 2.5 days there is NOT enough, even if you're just staying on Oahu. I'll probably go back in the early spring, because it was just painful to leave so soon... if not for the kids and work I wouldn't have gotten back on the plane!! I'm uploading pictures now, and it's taking forever because there are about 200 high res pics (and a couple short videos) from my trip. I'll make a slideshow out of them, and just post some of the best here.

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Lava rocks off the beach at North Shore, where the big surf competitions are.

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North Shore

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North Shore

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I can't remember the name of this little island, but we had to go through the tunnel in the next pic to get there.

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This tunnel goes through the mountain

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Honolulu and a big mountain, I forget it's name, from the top of a hill near Schofield Barracks

Honestly, the pictures don't do it justice. I'm going to have to upgrade my Flickr and Photobucket albums to Pro to show the really beautiful shots, and make slideshows of the entire album. It really was an amazing trip, I can't wait to go back!!!