Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Inhale, Exhale, Repeat

I decided to pick up a Pilates dvd, and try to get myself into shape. Well, after my first workout I can definitely say I've learned something, I am incredibly uncoordinated and don't know how to breath properly. Who knew breathing took such effort? I tend to hold my breath during exercises, and we all know that's not good. Also? I'm bony. My hip bones were digging into the floor during the leg exercices, so much so that I was tilting over from it. Ever try to balance on your hips? Not easy. Oh, and since your "powerhouse" (read: abs) are the core of Pilates, I'm in some trouble. I didn't have nice strong abs at 18, and I certainly don't after carrying 11 lbs of babies in them. This ought to be fun...