Tuesday, April 18, 2006

TMI Tuesday!!

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1. Birthday spankings or birthday kisses? Hmmm... both sound like fun!

2. Sitting on Santa/Easter Bunny's lap... fun or creepy? My MIL scarred me with the Mr. and Mrs. Claus outfits, so CREEPY!!

3. Once you start drinking at a party, do you usually get drunk or stop at tipsy? Haha... I usualy get drunk, but tend to stop before I hurl.

4. On a scale from 1-10, how passionate are you? Probably a 9.5/10. I tend to get worked up about things easily...

5. Have you ever seen a burlesque show? No, but I've been to lots of strip clubs!!

Bonus (as in "optional"): Have you ever been to an adult themed tupperware-type party?? No, but I so would go!! I just don't have any female friends around here... all my female friends live on the internet. Can we have an internet party??