Friday, June 09, 2006

Last post for today, promise!!

So, I'm doing my normal Tuesday afternoon grocery shopping. The woman in front of me in line has her daughter with her, this girl is 17 MAX, and I was in total shock that her mother let her leave the house looking like she did.
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Let's see what we can find wrong with this picture. Kid is wearing tiny workout shorts, rolled down, a black bra (VS Very Sexy collection, as a matter of fact, that's how much of this bra was showing, I could easily identify it) and a white "wifebeater" tank top. (That's mom in the right side of the pic) Hey, I have an idea!! Let your kid walk around like that on a military post, where there is a disproportionately large population of young, horny guys. Oh, and at least 2 registered sex offenders living in housing. Sounds BRILLIANT! So, I snapped a pic with my phone, as discreetly as I possibly could, because how could I NOT share this with y'all?