Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The one where she links a lot

Keeping in my theme (read: laziness) for the night, I was just over a Rockstar Mommy's. I have been shocked and appalled to find out that many people do not know what a cheesesteak is. As in, they've never heard of a Philly Cheesesteak. Is this possible? So, I'll explain, while drooling on my keyboard. You see? I mentioned in an earlier post that I'm homesick. Cheesesteaks are one of the things I miss about home, and will be one of my first orders of business upon arrival at Philadelphia International.
A cheesesteak is a hoagie (or sub/grinder/whatever your locale calls it) made with thinly sliced rib-eye steak, grilled, and served on a roll with cheese, sauteed onions, and any other toppings you like. A Philly Cheesesteak (are you taking notes??) is the "original", and has specific qualities. The meat is shredded into tiny bits while grilled, and you add Cheez Wiz. (that's important!) You also add in whatever toppings you like, then flip the meat into an Amoroso roll. (again important!) Voila... you have a delicious steak, though you want to be careful, just looking at one can clog your arteries. Serve this with some WaWa Peach iced tea, your favorite Tastykake, and you one hell of a meal. If ever in the area, stop by Jim's Steaks on South St., or the famous Geno's, or Pat's. On your way to the Shore, stop in my family's deli, we make a mean hoagie of our own.